This Course is addressed to students, researchers, academics and professionals from the Universities, Research Institute, fresh and processed fruit and vegetable industries and will be of interest to horticulturists, food engineers, food scientists, and quality assurance personnel and new product development staff. The Course is also valuable to representatives from agro food research Institutions, food industries, catering trade, storage, packaging and ingredient suppliers.
For more information (Course coordinators)
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erkan
Department of Horticulture, University of Akdeniz
Antalya, Turkey
Phone: + 90 242 3102428
Mobile: +90 535 4999702
Prof. Dr. Giancarlo Colelli
Dept. Science Agriculture, Food & Environment
University of Foggia
Via Napoli 25 71122
Foggia, Italy
Phone: +39 0881 589 105
Mobile: +39 320 4394535